
Testify to the Truth

The truth is something we like to seek out. We have so many unanswered questions that we wish we could have answered. What is out there in the universe? Why were we created? What is heaven like and how do we get there? Why did someone think it was a good idea to put peanut butter and jelly in the same jar? Jesus came to testify to the truth over 2,000 years ago, but has the world forgotten the truth?

There are so many lies and half truths spreading around the world that it’s hard to know what the truth really is. Important news is happening everyday, but I will get a completely different snapshot of the day if I watch Fox News as opposed to CNN. There are also so many news stories on social media and the internet that are deceiving or misleading. We have a hard time trusting anything we read without verifying that it is true because many times, it’s not.

What I see online is a lot of information that is presented as a fact based on hearing or reading that information from another source. Even if the source was a seemingly knowledgeable person like a doctor or scientist, people don’t always get things right. Even only nine out of ten dentists agree on what toothpaste is good. Should we trust the nine dentists or the one? Usually, it would seem smart to trust the majority, but what if the one dentist was right and we blindly follow the nine?

Who is Satan? He is the father of lies and he will use his influence in the world to spread lies and bend the truth until we don’t recognize it anymore. The truth isn’t always good news. Sometimes the truth can be ugly and hard to hear, but we need to hear it. People will actively work to polish it until it shines like a pearl. This pearl may be more pleasant to look at and acknowledge, but our children aren’t going to be happy when they find out the pearl passed down to them is really a turd.

The truth was standing right in front of Pontius Pilate and Pilate still wouldn’t acknowledge Jesus. The truth was standing in front of the Apostle Thomas and he needed to poke and prod to verify Jesus was really who He claimed to be. The Apostle Peter denied the truth so that he would fit in with society and not be persecuted. There are many reasons why we can’t see the truth, but we should always seek it out.

Jesus is the truth and if we follow Him and listen to His words, we will be followers of the truth. If we want to find the truth, start with Jesus as our strong foundation. When we nurture our relationship with Jesus, we will better be able to see the right or wrong, the truth or lie. Look at the news through the filter of Jesus and we will discover what is truly important and what is trivial. There is so much in this world that people argue about that is just not that important. Focus our efforts on discerning the truth on the important matters in this life and let the dentists figure out the toothpaste.