Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual Trust Unity

Remain in Me, as I Remain in You

Although we may travel far in this world, we should never forget where we came from. Through the help of our parents, God created each of us and gave us not only a physical body, but an everlasting soul. Jesus grants us forgiveness of sins through baptism and reconciliation and allows us tap into the graces that God bestows upon us. God gives us so many good things, but in order to receive those good things, we need to remain connected to Him.

When we commit mortal sins, we are cut off from God’s grace. It’s like cutting a limb off of a tree. The leaves on the limb will eventually wither and die on their own when they’re cut off from the nutrients of the tree. When we are in a state of grace and free from mortal sin, we are connected with God and grace is able to flow through us. Receiving the sacraments is one of the best ways to allow grace is to flow to us.

From time to time, weeds and thorns grow up beside us making spiritual growth difficult. Although, sometimes the weeds are pulled, sometimes they are allowed to stay. None of us are promised an easy and happy life. The pain we go through and the temptations we endure in this life can lead to an even greater joy in Heaven, but it can also lead to eternal suffering if we give up and turn away from God. We need to turn to God in our times of need and allow His light to show us the way.

I try to remember that only through the grace of God am I here in my current situation. Everything good in my life could be lost in an instant, but God will always remain. The only way we lose God is by turning away from Him and cutting ourselves off from Him. Many teenagers tend to rebel against their parents as they gain more knowledge and want more freedom, but they usually return when they realize that they aren’t all knowing and need help. This world is scary without God. Without God, we are an insignificant speck in the universe and when we die, we cease to exist. We aren’t insignificant to God. When we maintain a good relationship with Him and put our trust in Him, He lifts us up to a higher state of being.

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