
Let it Shine

Why is it that rich people always get a bad rap in the Bible? Is having money evil? Is it bad to live a pleasurable life and do we really need to live in poverty to get into Heaven?

We all have different careers and financial backgrounds and so we will also all have different income levels. Some people work really hard for their wealth while others are born into wealth. It doesn’t really matter how much money we get. The important part is how we spend it.

In the world we live in, money is power. The more money we get, the more influence we have. A billionaire could easily influence the lives of many in a positive or negative way. God has given us all talents and expects us to use those talents to bring the world closer to Heaven. The poor could also make the world a better place through their own unique talents as well. Saint Therese of Lisieux didn’t live a fancy life, but she was able to make a big difference in the world by the way she lived and loved. Someone else’s talent might lead to much wealth and that wealth could be used to do lots of good as well.

We get into trouble when we predominately use our talents to lift ourselves up. God didn’t give us talents to use them only to make ourselves happy and comfortable while disregarding everyone else. The more talents we have, the more we should give. The more money we have, the more money we should give.

I have gotten the most joy when I have given to others. I do enjoy buying the latest and greatest this or that, but the happiness I get from buying those things doesn’t compare to the joy I get when I can make a positive difference in someone else’s life. Don’t keep your light to yourself. Let it shine!

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