
Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

As we enter into the first week of advent, we are starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Decorations are going up, presents are being bought, and Christmas songs are being sung. Every time you hear the word Santa in “Santa Claus in Coming to Town”, replace it with Jesus Christ and it starts to capture a theme of advent. We are not only preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but also preparing for when Jesus will come back again. I get chills when I hear beautiful choirs singing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “O Come all ye Faithful” that proclaim with great joy the coming of Jesus. Hopefully when He returns again, we will be singing with the same joy.

The best way to be prepared for Jesus’ return is to already have a strong relationship with Him. If we have already welcomed Jesus into our lives and have a personal relationship with Him, then we won’t be nervous when He comes again to judge us, we will be singing with joy. We should always work at keeping our relationship with Jesus strong.

The key word in the Gospel this weekend is watch. We don’t need to necessarily watch what’s going on in the world as much as we need to watch the condition of our own souls. There will always be wars, disease, and sin in the world, but that doesn’t mean the end will be soon. The fact is that we don’t know when the final judgement will be and we don’t know when our own lives will end. If we always work on keeping our souls healthy and in good shape, then it doesn’t matter when our judgement comes, we will be ready. He is coming; so be good for goodness sake!

Bonus content of the week!

I attached a link below to two of my favorite songs sung by Kings College Choir. Very good!

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

O Come all ye Faithful