
Don’t Be a Scrooge

As a whole, we are a very lazy and self centered society. We tend to do just the minimum required to get by. It’s sometimes hard to see the benefit of putting in extra effort. However, the person on the receiving end of the effort definitely notices.

We don’t go through life alone. Even though it doesn’t feel like it during a pandemic, we interact with many people throughout our day. The way we treat our fellow man is how we change the world for the better or worse. If we see someone that needs help, do we stop and help or just keep going and think someone else will eventually stop. Even if we don’t know how to help, just asking someone if they need us shows them that we care about them.

Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion. The more we practice helping others, the easier it gets. The more we ignore others, the easier that gets too. I recently watched the 2009 version of “A Christmas Carol” starring Jim Carrey with my two boys and there are a lot of good messages in there. In one scene, Scrooge is able to see the spirits of people who lived bad lives. The spirits are remorseful and moaning, finally realizing the pain and suffering of their fellow man and understanding that it is too late to help them. The chains that the spirits carry can symbolize the burdens they carry with them for the bad decisions they have made. When we commit sin again and again, we are almost chained to it and it gets hard to break free.

God gives us the power to break our chains by asking Him for forgiveness and making a move to change our ways. Sometimes we can only take one small step at a time to get back on the right path. God sees that small step and loves us for it.

Everyone is like a spiritual candle with the light of love. If we just live our lives hiding our light and not sharing it with others, then our candle will eventually extinguish and our love will have just stayed with us. However, if we spread our flame to everything we touch we can set the world ablaze.

Let us reflect on our past and the good and bad actions that have led us to where we are today. Let us reflect on our present and what changes we should make to better spread our light to others. Let us also keep an eye on the future so we can keep our heavenly home always in our sight.