
The Terrors of the Night

Are you afraid of the dark? I know I was when I was a kid. My little kid mind would be imagining all of the monsters hiding in my dark room. The clothes in my closet sometimes looked like a monster staring at me. Every noise that I heard in the dark of night sounded strange and different from the light of day. There were many nights that I was so scared that I called out to my parents, “Help!”.

There are many people in the world today living in spiritual darkness. Evil and sin don’t like to be out in the light. Think of any sin right now and then think about how often it is done secretly or under the cover of darkness. When we seek out sin, we usually have to walk away from light and into the shadows. By bringing sin into our lives, our souls become dark and we have a hard time even seeing our own light shining forth. Before we know it, we can’t see anything and the world gets scary. We need to remember the kid inside of us and call out, “Mommy, Daddy Help!”.

Our Father doesn’t come running to condemn us, He wants to save us. Our mother Mary wants to take care of us and see us protected. Even in the darkness, our Father and mother are there to comfort us and to show us love. People get into trouble when they stop believing that their Father and mother are there and so they don’t call out for help.

Going from darkness to light, can be disorienting and a little painful at first. However, just as our eyes adjust, so do our souls. The more we stay in the light, the better we can see the way, the truth, and the life.

As the world embraces and accepts sin more and more, it becomes a darker and darker place. Things that used to only go on in the shadows can now take place in the open because the the entire world is darker. We need beacons of light in every part of the world to prevent darkness from spreading. So go out and make the world a brighter place.