
The Stone that the Builders Rejected

Jesus was rejected by the world and crucified. He came into the world to show people the way and the truth, but many people didn’t want to follow Him or listen to Him. The message that Jesus proclaimed required the world to get rid of their old ways or get rid of Him. They chose the latter. However, the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

One of the most important beliefs in Christianity is that Jesus rose from the dead. He didn’t just reanimate His old body, but was resurrected in a glorified body. He purposely left marks on His body as a reminder of the sacrifice He made for us and to help people believe. Because Jesus was not only God, but human as well, He allows all humanity to share in His resurrection. He gives us back the keys to the kingdom after we lost them through original sin.

Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity and He should be the cornerstone of our life as well. When we order our whole life based on Him, then everything fits together nicely. When we arrange our life based on what we want, then we will stumble and fall. Colossians 3:17 says, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”.

This Easter season we should try to incorporate the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love in our lives. Jesus shows us the way to get to our Father. We should always work on increasing our faith that His guidance is best for us. Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! He gives us all the hope of the resurrection. Even in dark times with evil and death all around us, we have the hope of everlasting life because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Don’t ever lose hope. Pain and suffering are so much easier with hope. The greatest virtue is love. There is a lot of hate and division in the world today. Instead of adding more sticks to the fire, we should work to put out the flames we encounter. Jesus died for everyone and if Jesus is the cornerstone of our life, we should be willing to die for everyone as well. May you all have a very Happy Easter!