
The Spirit of Truth

Truth is one thing we all search for and seek out. Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus, “What is truth?”. I also seek the truth in the thousands of questions that I have for God.

God didn’t send Jesus into the world to answer all of our questions about existence and give us all of the knowledge of the universe. If He would have done that, we would have lost out on the thrill of discovering new things. Some knowledge, we just may not yet be ready to know. There is a reason parents don’t teach their young kids the details about sex or violence. We too may not be ready to know everything. What Jesus does tell us is that the Spirit of truth will guide us to the truth.

God sends us the Holy Spirit to guide us through life and to reveal to us the truth in life. We all have that inner voice in us that says whether or not something is right. We all need practice discerning the truth. Realize though that the truth might not always be the answer that we are looking for. Many times in my life, I didn’t know why I was led down a path or even what path to take. However, I believe that the Holy Spirit has always guided me to the place where God wanted me to be. The result of one of my guided decisions is a wonderful wife and three great kids.

When we make the sign of the cross, we say, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. I know the Father and the Son get most of the focus, but don’t neglect to pray for the Holy Spirit to help us. The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father, and they both love us so much that they want to share that love with us. Part of receiving the Holy Spirit is allowing ourselves to be loved. When we welcome the love of God and allow Him to act in our life, we will bear much fruit and that fruit will enrich the whole body of Christ.