
The Power of Thank You

I have been blessed in so many ways. I have a wonderful family, a good job that lets me support my family, and a great group of friends. There are so many more things that I am thankful for, but if I listed them, this blog would be very long. I also need to always remember to thank God for the good in my life.

We should ideally start the day by thanking God for another day and the opportunity to do more good. Before we eat our meals, we say thanks for the food He provided us. At the end of the day, we should also thank God for the good moments that we had during the day and for keeping us safe and healthy.

Many times, we get all caught up in the good moments in life that we forget to stop and thank God for them. We may say that good things happen to us because we work hard or because we deserve it. However, God is the one who gave us our talents and guides our steps. He created everything and enjoys giving gifts to us. We don’t do anything alone in this life and we should thank God and those who help us.

Even in bad times, we can thank God. After the death of a loved one, we could thank God for showing us how precious life is and for helping us to realize what is truly important in life. When we get sick, we can thank God for helping us understand how suffering can help to purify our souls and get our priorities better in order. When we have lots of damage to our property from a disaster, we can thank God for keeping us safe.

We should also thank one another more often. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for thinking about me. Thank you for going out of your way and doing something nice for me. In a relatively selfish society, a well placed thank you can make someone’s day.

I want to say thank you to all of you for reading my blog and for showing that you care. I spend several hours a week writing and editing each one and it makes it worth it when I see people interested in reading them. Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout my life. Everyone who has come into my life has shaped me in one way or another and has helped make me the person that I am today. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for being good role models for me. I guess I got some of my love for writing from them. Thanks to my wife, Elizabeth, for all the hard work she does to keep our house running smoothly – especially when I’m gone. Thanks Elizabeth for being patient and loving. I’m also thankful that I married someone who has a strong relationship with God. That relationship helps lead our family in the right direction. Finally, I want to thank God for all of the gifts He has given me and for all the places He has taken me in my life. At 44, I have experienced a lot of life and I’m looking forward to experiencing much more.