
The Open Tomb

Dedicated to Debbie Barnes, a beautiful spirit who lost her battle with cancer, but won the war and is now rejoicing in Heaven with her Father.

When humanity turned against God’s will and chose our own will, we spiritually died. The tomb was closed and when someone died, they were dead forever. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, only permanent darkness.

God gave the world a second chance by sending Jesus into the world as a human to show us the way back to the light. Although many people embraced Jesus, the way that Jesus taught was so controversial and foreign that the majority rejected Him and sought to eliminate Him. Jesus is described as the way, the truth, and the life. Sometimes, the truth is too much for people and when the truth can’t be ignored, people try to silence it.

Living in a free society is wonderful. It’s easy to see other countries who impose their will on their people. Some people have very few freedoms in many places in the world. The downside to free societies like the United States is that it’s easy to mistake freedom with the license to do whatever we want when we want. This kind of thinking got us in trouble in the first place. Not everything is good for us physically and spiritually. Bad behavior is even often encouraged in the name of freedom and those who stand against it are silenced. If the answer to succeeding in life is to do whatever we want, Jesus wouldn’t have come to us. We were excelling at doing what we wanted to do well before Jesus came.

If we want to truly be free from the grave and free from the sins that hold us down, we need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. We all have a cross or burden to bear in our life. If life is too easy, we are doing something wrong. Take our cross to Jesus and He will take it off of us and embrace us in His arms. Jesus conquered sin and death and rose to eternal life. May we always follow in His footsteps and arise to a better life living in the presence of God.