
The Meaning of Life

Life is filled with many questions and probably the greatest question of all is, “What’s the meaning of life?” We all long to find some purpose to our existence. Well, my answer to that question is that the meaning of life is to know and love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Why did God create us? He is all powerful and doesn’t need us. He is also all loving and wants to share his love with us. God doesn’t need our love but He wants to be loved by us too. He doesn’t force us to love Him, as that wouldn’t be real love. That is why God gave us free will. We can each choose to love or not to love Him. When we choose to love God and live our lives following His teachings, we are united to Him and His love. When we go our own path and love ourselves first, then we will feel the pain of our souls separated from God and longing to be joined with Him.

We should also love our neighbor as ourself. We have to look at everyone as a child of God. We can’t really love God and not also respect the people He loves. I’ve been listening to the radio show Seize the Day hosted by Gus Lloyd during my free trial of Sirius XM. Everyday in the opening song for the show, a sound byte of a little child is played saying, “Good morning child of God”. Programs like that remind us every day that we are indeed children of God and that He loves all of us. God even loves politicians, telemarketers, and people who are hard to love. What makes our soul more important than someone else’s soul? Some people may keep their souls cleaner than others, but every soul is equally important to God.

It’s sad when people get so depressed that they decide life isn’t worth living. Maybe they got bullied, felt embarrassed, or felt like a failure. Well, God loves those people. A person who loves God and neighbor is never a failure, but a very successful person. There are always more people that need love. Find them and let your light shine in their lives.