
The Cornerstone of our Lives

I don’t care what You want me to do. I’m going to do what I want to do. Pride is the foundation of every sin. As a parent, I can understand a little bit of how God feels when I tell my kids to do or not to do something and they do the opposite. When my kids don’t listen to me, it’s as if they are saying I don’t respect you enough to listen to you. We see pride a lot in today’s society where everyone demands to be free to do whatever they want to do no matter how it affects others.

It’s my property! It’s my body! It’s my life! Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do! Yes it’s your property, but who gave you your property? We are all just tenants of this Earth who could be evicted at a moments notice. Yes, your body is yours, but who formed you in the womb in the image of God? We should treat our bodies as temples of God. Yes, it’s your life to live, but who infused your body with a soul destined for eternal life? God has a plan for us. Do we listen to where God wants to lead us or do we go where we want to go.

Just as pride is the cornerstone of sin, Jesus is the cornerstone of eternal life. The cornerstone is the first stone laid that orients the rest of the stones in the right direction. Pride orients us to eternal death and Jesus orients us to eternal life. Which way are we oriented? If we orient our lives to Jesus’ example, in the end we will find eternal happiness.