Advent End Times Light Meaning of Life Peace Put Others First Spiritual

Prepare the Way

We each have many duties and responsibilities, but one of the most important duties we have is to prepare the way for Jesus’ return. When Jesus returns, He will have no problem putting His adversaries beneath Him. However, how easily will He find people to bring back to paradise with Him? We have the ability to be a light to others and point the way to Heaven. There aren’t many gifts that we can give Jesus, but one of the best gifts that we can give Him is to help others find Him or grow closer to Him.

The theme of the second week of Advent is peace. Currently, we have so many conflicts going on in the world. Russia and Ukraine are at war. There is also the Hamas and Israel conflict along with threats from China and North Korea. While we may have relative peace here in the U.S., many people are deeply suffering in many parts of the world. We can all encourage peace by embracing forgiveness and not revenge. We also need to spread a culture of putting others first. When putting others first becomes the popular mentality, war and violence will inevitably decrease.

I love the song Let There Be Peace on Earth. The very first line of the song says, “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me”. It’s easy to believe that creating a peaceful world is beyond our capability and so there’s no point trying. If we only knew how far one person’s good example can reach.

God doesn’t expect us to be Superman and single-handedly solve all of the world’s problems. He does, however, ask us each to do our part to help make the world a better place. Lots of small contributions add up to a large one. I used to think that giving a few dollars to a homeless person is pointless. That little money won’t change their situation and they will probably just spend it on booze and cigarettes anyway. It may not change their situation, but it may make their life a little better for a moment. Sure, they may blow it on something pointless, but don’t we all spend our money on things we don’t need from time to time? The homeless person may now be able to get one meal instead of digging in the trash can. They may be able to spend the night in a cheap hotel instead of a crowded shelter. When we recognize a needy person on the street, we also acknowledge their existence. We all need to feel acknowledged from time to time.

I’ve had several “God moments” where something has happened in my life that got me to see that God is talking to me. It feels good to know that the most powerful being in existence recognizes us and loves us. When we show others love, we also indirectly show others God’s love for them as well. Let’s all do our small part to make the world a more peaceful and loving place and we will see how much the world is changed for the better.

3 replies on “Prepare the Way”

Beautiful reflection! It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you very much for sharing, Matt. You reminded me of Mother Teresa’s words:
“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

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