
Good Fruit

Fruit is one of the things that we are most critical of. I don’t know anyone who goes through the produce aisle of the grocery store and puts fruit in their cart without first giving it a good look over. Likewise, farmers don’t keep the fruit that has gone bad. Eating bad fruit would not only be unpleasant to the taste, but it might even put the health of the partaker at risk.

We too are like the branches of a fruit tree. Our mission in life is to produce good fruit. If a farmer saw a branch that was continually producing bad fruit or no fruit at all, the branch would be removed or pruned back. Jesus will fertilize us and give us everything we need to succeed, but we can’t just sit back and do nothing. Just as a plant needs to absorb water from its roots, we need to be good at absorbing the life giving waters and the knowledge that Jesus gives us. The floor of a dense rain forest is often dark because the many tall plants and trees block off the sun. The beliefs of the world can also block us off from the light of Christ, so we need to continually grow in our faith so our branches and leaves will be able to stay in the light.

We not only should work to create good fruit, but we should also produce the fruit that we are called to produce. An apple tree shouldn’t try to produce oranges and a grape vine shouldn’t try to create watermelons. We each have unique gifts and talents and we should use those gifts to bring flavor and joy to others. When we try to force ourselves to do something that doesn’t fit in with our gifts, we don’t produce good fruit.

Fruit was even the downfall of Adam and Eve. They chose to do what they wanted to do instead of what God wanted them to do. God has a plan for each of us and sets boundaries to keep us safe. When we ignore God and His commandments, we put ourselves outside His protection and in danger.

When we try to fulfill our desires and longings by turning to what the world offers, we will not only be unsatisfied, but we will start to shrivel up and die. However, when we listen and cooperate with our spiritual farmer, we will produce wonderful fruit. We will be satisfied and those who partake in our spiritual fruit will get a taste of the eternal satisfaction that waits for us in Heaven.

3 replies on “Good Fruit”

I just finished a satsuma from our tree. your article got me to stop and thank the Lord for the many fruits of my blessings in my life. Thanks Matt. Keep up the good work.

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