
Are You Afraid of the Dark?

We rely on our senses to navigate this world and when it’s dark we lose our ability to see well. We feel nervous and fearful when we can’t see what’s around us. Our mind can fill in the gaps from our lack of vision. We feel something brush against us or hear a creak and we are startled. It’s amazing how a place so familiar to me like my home could make me feel nervous when I’m alone in the dark. Hollywood doesn’t help us by making scary movies like Paranormal Activity where a couple is tormented by a demon. I’d like to say don’t be scared because demons aren’t real, but I can’t.

Demons are absolutely real and can be a big threat to us if we let our guard down. Jesus tells us that we should love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we fail to do this and instead fall in love with ourselves by seeking power, pleasure, or other worldly things, we give demons a foothold in our life. We don’t need to actively invite evil into our life to be affected by it. Just as we wouldn’t be surprised to get ants if we left food on the floor and had cracks in our house, we shouldn’t be surprised when we find the demonic within us when our soul is a mess and we leave our spiritual door wide open.

The devil will entice us by giving us tools to grant our selfish desires. I’ve read many testimonies from ex-Satan worshipers who enjoyed much success and good luck after performing certain rituals and spells. These spells can help give them things that they want and curses can harm those who are not protected and stand in their way. These followers gained much money, power, and pleasure. However, nothing is free and Satan requires payment by requiring the person to perform evil acts. The more evil the person does, the more success they have, but also the more trapped by Satan they become.

This is why we need to stay spiritually strong and in the state of grace. Demons don’t want anything to do with a clean soul who loves God. Do you think a demon would want to inhabit a person who prays daily to God or goes to Mass frequently? When we put on the armor of God, we are protected from evil. We also need to rely on God and trust in His plan for us instead of trying to tap into powers to affect the world around us. God wants us to pray and talk to Him when we need something. He doesn’t want us to go around Him and try to do things ourselves or ask Satan for help. If my children want candy, I would want them to ask me and not the stranger driving slowly in a car in my neighborhood. The stranger may give them lots of candy, but they may also take my children.

If we ever find ourselves in spiritual darkness, we need to know where the light switch is. When we ask God for forgiveness from our sins, no matter how bad they are, and pray for forgiveness, we turn on a light. When we attend Mass or go to church to worship God, we turn on a light. When we love our neighbor as ourself and stop putting ourself as the prime importance, we turn on a light. The more lights we turn on, the more aware we are of the truth around us and the less afraid we become. Yes, it’s ok to be afraid and nervous in the dark. The more afraid we are of darkness, the faster we will run to the light.