
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Last week, I talked about the joy of the desert. Now let’s look at the joy of the mountain. I’ve been to the top of several mountains before. I even climbed the wrong mountain one time, but that is another story. Climbing, hiking, or even driving up a mountain can be a long process. The bigger the mountain, the harder the journey, but also the bigger payoff at the top. When we get to the top, we can see farther and get to enjoy a better view.

We seem to be happy just staying on level ground sometimes and going about our lives as usual. However, we need to look up from our daily routines and try to get a better perspective of the world around us. When we pray to God, we climb our own spiritual mountain. The more fervently we pray, the higher we go. Climbing a spiritual mountain can be hard to do, but sometimes we need to start with a small hill and work ourselves up to bigger and bigger mountains.

A lot of people today find it easy to just avoid climbing mountains. They may say that they are too busy to talk to God or not do it because there are too many distractions in the world. The devil tries to fill our day with distractions so that there will be no time left for God. How many times do we fill our day watching videos or scrolling through social media posts.

Jesus took His apostles up a high mountain and was transfigured before them. When our souls contemplate God and focus on Him, our lives are transfigured. Our purpose in life is to love God and be loved by Him. When we focus on the things of the world, we are shaping ourselves in the world’s image, but when we focus on God, we are shaping ourselves to His image. Let us put on our spiritual mountain climbing gear and work on lifting our souls up to God.